The Only Way To Rise is Laterally | Arjun Sachdev


June 4th, 2021

1 hr 11 mins 9 secs

Season 13

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

We've got a conversations episode today! Arjun is a good friend of mine and co-host of the Rising Laterally podcast!

Connect with Arjun Online




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[00:17:02] “ Everyone’s playing a game basically and the first thing you have to do is figure out where the value lies for the person that you’re talking to or interacting with.”

[00:19:44] “If we were truly truly truly evolved and we really were human in every situation, we would be able to get over the things that are human conditions that hold us back.”

[00:23:18] “Mathematics is interesting in so far as it occupies our reasoning and inventive powers. But there is nothing to learn about reasoning and invention if the motive and the purpose of the most conspicuous step remain incomprehensible.”

[00:25:19] “Be more kind, be more compassionate…. If you are really going to be empathetic, you have to be able to feel pain. You have to actually be able to put yourself in some of someone’s shoes.”

[00:27:40] “By reading a book, you can download decades in days, just all that compressed information in a book here.”

[00:38:45] “Just do something, because when you are doing something, you are living.”

[00:57:59] “I just want to be remembered for someone who had his own opinions, brought energy, brought passion, and along the way, hopefully, help shift some perspectives.”

[00:59:39] “…you have to be the catalyst…to say what’s never been said, do what’s never been done before. Draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance, act what’s never been done before.”


[00:00:26] Guest Introduction

[00:03:15] Arjun tells us about where he grew up and what it was like there

[00:04:57] We learn about Argun’s experience living in the states as a child of Indian immigrants

[00:06:38] How Arjun left his job of 10 years to pursue his own career path

[00:09:48] What has the process for getting to know and study yourself on a deeper level been like?

[00:13:19] Arjun talks about the one thing that helps him to stay focused

[00:14:06] What Arjun does when he is running

[00:15:31] How he struggles with paying attention to audiobooks and why sleep is important

[00:17:02] Arjun shares his thoughts and memories about the Game theory

[00:18:56] What are the three things you are grateful for today?

[00:19:41] How do you feel when our ability to think is taken for granted?

[00:26:24] How long have you known your co-host, Jay?

[00:27:40] Arjun talks about the journey so far and the challenges he came across

[00:31:19] How Arjun decides what option to test when faced with multiple choices

[00:32:51] How to navigate social media as a data scientist

[00:40:52] Arjun makes mention of a near-death experience. He tells us more about it

[00:46:03] How do you do with goal setting?

[00:52:49] Have you thought about time differently?

[00:57:45] It’s 100 years in the future, what do you want to be remembered for?

[00:59:39] The Random Round

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